lunes, 6 de junio de 2011


Belonging to the Catholic Church and having a taste of other churches. I have learned a few things in my faith journey. First of all I am a member of a Mexican Catholic Church by the name of Our Lady of Guadelupe. This church welcomes people with open arms at every mass.

I was a member of a christian church by the name of MCC of Topeka before coming to my current church. This church was also a welcome you with open arms type of church with a strong human rights agenda.

A few differences in the two churches that I have noticed was first the Eucharist. I noticed that the people at MCC realy did not revere the body and the blood of Christ at the alter as us Catholics. We believe that this bread and wine is truly the body and blood of Jesus. We will take extra care not to spill a drop of the blood or drop a piece of the body on the floor of our church. This is considered disrespectfull. Also every utensil used by the priest from the challaces and the ciborium has to be cleaned to not have a speck of the body of blood on the dish. The purificators have to be hand laundered to keep any small speck from going into the sewer. In MCC this practice is not enforced with the purificators left out on the alter from Sunday to Sunday. 

Another key difference is the structure of the mass. With the Catholic Church being the Mother Church, it has the best structure than any other church. from mass to mass you know what to expect and it does not change even in other languages. Other churches services can change from service to service. This is very confusing when you are trying to follow along without a program.

I have more differences coming but this is the first of many posts in the religion portion of my blog.

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